Capital Letters

Agency Funding Participation

By May 16, 2016 No Comments

As President and CEO of Capital, one of the best parts of my job is having great partnerships with
likeminded people and agencies. One of the most popular products and services we offer here at
Capital, is our patented Agency Funding Participation. We have three ways above and beyond
industry standard ways of generating revenue from premium financing.

What is unique beyond that, is that our programs are true profit sharing, so there is no additional
expense to your agency or your insured. This allows us to partner with you and your agency in the
revenue that is generated from the premium financing you do.

If you haven’t already, I would urge you to reach out to us today and find out how we can help you
generate more revenue from the premium financing that you do. Our Agency Funding Participation
is another reason we are as “unique as a two dollar bill.” We look forward to hearing from you.

David Gabrielsen
Capital Premium Financing
(800) 767-0705

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